An unforgettable adventure in a mobile home begins

Mobile homes offer comfort and mobility

Second-hand mobile homes

Choose the perfect holiday home from our range of imported used mobile homes.

New mobile homes

Discover four-season mobile homes, prepared for your comfort throughout the year.

Din gama Rotresort

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Welcome to the world of Rot Resort!

Aici ne poți cunoaște exact așa cum suntem noi.
Te poți inspira de la clienții care ne-au ales deja, ca să poți începe propria poveste într-o casă mobilă.
De asemenea poți înțelege mai bine ce înseamnă serviciile opționale și te poți alătura fiecărei aventuri Rot Resort, urmărind activitatea noastră pe pagina de Facebook.

Welcome to the world of Rot Resort!

Aici ne poți cunoaște exact așa cum suntem noi.
Te poți inspira de la clienții care ne-au ales deja, ca să poți începe propria poveste într-o casă mobilă.
De asemenea poți înțelege mai bine ce înseamnă serviciile opționale și te poți alătura fiecărei aventuri Rot Resort, urmărind activitatea noastră pe pagina de Facebook.



Stoc variat

Alege din peste 50 de modele noi sau second hand.


We offer transport, amplasare, calare and all other < a href="">services you may need.



Suntem pregătiți să răspundem afirmativ la cât mai multe dintre cerințele tale.


Find the perfect mobile home for your needs at a great price.

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We know that there are few people who already know the concept of a mobile home, so our team offers you specialized advice, to make the choice that best suits your needs.

Payment in installments

Together with TBI Bank, we have made it possible to pay in installments to make your purchase easier and more convenient.


Before delivery, each box goes through a total overhaul. At the end of it, you can attend the reception, to understand its functionality and enjoy the maximum comfort of the chosen cottage.


Mobile homes cannot be registered and have a special transport regime, due to their oversized dimensions. We can take care of transporting your cottage to your location, even if it's out of the country.

Buy Back

If at some point you feel the need to make a change and you want a newer model, or you are thinking of selling the mobile home, we offer you the possibility of buy back.

Other services

In addition to the services already listed, we can also help you with access and location verification, siting, boarding, replacing gas consumers with electric consumers and the list goes on.

Last added

Find out which are the newest models of mobile homes in our park.


Hello! I leave a comment from a satisfied customer, this is for those who want a mobile home and are skeptical about the quality. I bought a new house from Rot Resort, 4 seasons and I can say that in winter, without being heated, somewhere at the temperature of - 10°, outside, in the house the temperature did not drop below 4°. I can say that it is a serious company that offers real quality, not just words.
by Mirela Seiman
You are doing a fantastic job. I have been living in one of your turnkey solutions for 4 years. Not only the house, the delivery, the location, but the advice and humanity make the difference. Love all Rotresort team!!!
by Ben Brucker
These are ideal if you have land in the country and want to have a place to take refuge. With a mobile home you have everything you need and you get rid of construction, permits, etc., because you don't need anything as it's just a bigger caravan. A very good idea! We are going to buy one too!
by Mihai Ravici

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